Psychology - Academic Referencing and Writing
Website Articles
This page will give you advice on understanding web articles
Web based Articles
A web-based article is different from a peer-reviewed journal. Often these articles are not as rigorous in terms of how well they have been tested and checked for errors, nor are they as formal in their language or structure. This is not to say that they cannot be a useful source of information, but you must be aware of their limitations. For example, using them to support your own research is not a good idea. However, using them to define terms or to give context is usual;y fine.
Be careful of two things, the author (or publisher) and the reasonableness test. In terms of author, check where they have come from and what their credentials are. Why are they writing about psychology and what benefit is there to have people listen to them? A lot of pop-psych programs such as brain training sound good but are not written by bonafide psychology researchers. In terms of reasonableness, if you come across a web article that states something that is different, or outlandish compared to what you already know, chances are this is a fringe idea and is probably not useful for your research.
Below you will find links to three different web-based articles. Have a look and see what they are useful for and how you might tell good articles from bad articles.
With author
Author's Surname, Initials. (Year). Webpage. Retrieved from URL
e.g. Erlewine, S. (2012). The Rolling Stones. Retrieved from
In-text: (Erlewine, 2012)
Author and date unknown
Webpage. (Year). Retrieved from URL
e.g. Psychological perspectives. (n.d.). Retrieved from
In-text: (Psychological perspectives, n.d.)
Author as organisation
Organisation. (Year). Webpage. Retrieved from URL
e.g. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2011). Australia's health 2004. Retrieved from
In-text: (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2011)
Video on website
Author, A. A. [Screen name]. (Year, Month Day). Title of video [Video file]. Retrieved from URL
e.g. Marinebiztv. (2009, November 5). Oil spills in the ocean and oil pollution [Video file]. Retrieved from
In-text: (Marinebiztv, 2009)
e.g. Taylor, A. (Producer), & Horstman, M. (Producer). (2012, September 6). Plastic oceans [Video file]. Retrieved from
In-text: (Taylor & Horstman, 2012)