
Proof in Mathematics

A guide to understanding proofs in Mathematics

Geometry Proofs

Proof of the Area of a Circle

The formula to find the area of a circle is

A = π × r2


Proof of the Area of a Triangle


area of triangle ABC = area of triangle ABE + area of triangle CBE

area of triangle ABC = (y × h)/2 + (x × h)/2

area of triangle ABC = (y × h + x × h)/2

area of triangle ABC = h ×(y + x)/2

Notice that y + x is the length of the base of triangle ABC.

Thus, it is ok to say that y + x = b

Therefore, area of triangle ABC = (h × b)/2


Proof of the Area of a Parallelogram


  1. Draw a parallelogram.
  2. Cut a right triangle from the parallelogram. 
  3. Use the right triangle to turn the parallelogram into a rectangle.
  4. The parallelogram will have the same area as the rectangle you created that is b × h



Proof of the Area of a Trapezoid





What are Congruent Figures?

Level 2

Congruence and Similarity in Plane Shapes

Our 'tradie' narrator is busy constructing a playground. Follow along as she goes beyond practical demonstrations to mathematically prove that she is creating sunshade shapes that are congruent or similar to the equipment they are covering. By applying logical reasoning, she is able to work through her proofs step by step.

Congruent Shapes and Transformations

Our narrator is planning the layout of a new playground; she needs to recognise properties that determine congruence and which transformations create congruent figures. Follow along as she determines whether two figures are congruent after transformations (translation, reflection, rotation).

How to find if triangles are congruent

Two triangles are congruent if they have:

  • exactly the same three sides and
  • exactly the same three angles.

But we don't have to know all three sides and all three angles ...usually three out of the six is enough.

There are five ways to find if two triangles are congruent: SSSSASASAAAS and HL.


How To Find if Triangles are Congruent. (n.d.). Retrieved from ruent-finding.html

How to find if triangles are similar

Two triangles are similar if they have:

  • all their angles equal
  • corresponding sides are in the same ratio

But we don't need to know all three sides and all three angles ...two or three out of the six is usually enough.

There are three ways to find if two triangles are similar: AASAS and SSS


How To Find if Triangles are Similar. (n.d.). Retrieved from lar-finding.html

Proof that Opposite sides of a Parallelogram are Congruent

Segment AB ≅ segment CD and segment BC ≅ AD


Proof that the diagonals of a rectangle are congruent

Segment AC ≅ segment BD


Proof that the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent

segment AC ≅ segment BD


Proof that vertical angles are congruent

Prove m ∠ a = m ∠b

Note that m ∠ a means measure of angle a


Note in the window below you can move points A, B, C, and D.