Health & Physical Education

Cardiovascular System and Respiratory System

Year 10 Specialist PE

Circulatory system

The cardiovascular system consists of the :

  • Heart
  • Blood vessels
  • Blood
  • Pulmonary circuit ( blood flow between the heart and lungs )
  • Systemic circuit – ( blood flow between the heart and the body )

The heart acts to pump blood around the body to provide nutrients and oxygen as well as removing waste and carbon dioxide.

Vessels transport blood to and from the heart around the body.

Introduction to the circulatory system

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Circulatory System Functions


  • Circulate blood.
  • Bring O2 , water & nutrients to the cells.
  • Take CO2 & other wastes away from the cells.
  • Maintain body T0 & hydration.
  • Fight disease.
  • Blood clotting.

Blood vessels


The Blood vessels are intricate networks of hollow tubes that transport blood throughout the entire body.

There are three major types of blood vessels:

ARTERIES - carry blood away from the heart

CAPILLARIES – allow the exchange of gases, nutrients & wastes between the blood and the tissues

VEINS – carry blood back to the heart.

2 other types:

Venules: Smallest veins which extend from capillaries

Arterioles: smallest arteries merge into capillaries

Blood vessels

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Circulatory system

Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses tec

Circulatory system anatomy

Structure of arteries

  • Thick muscle layer – control the flow of blood
  • Thick elastic layer – smooth surges from the heart
  • No valves
  • Muscular walls allow blood to be pumped through arteries  under high pressure

Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses tec

Structure of veins

  • Thin muscle layer
  • Thin elastic layer
  • Valves: to prevent blood “back flowing”
  • Lack of elastic muscle tissue causes veins to have low pressure
  • Blood moves easily from high pressure to low pressure

Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses tec

Structure of capillaries

  • No muscle
  • No elastic
  • No valves
  • Thin layer of cells only – easy diffusion for gases.
  • Numerous and highly branched – large surface area to help diffusion.
  • Narrow diameter - bring RBC close to the cells and allow WBC to escape.

Lengthy, detailed information. Frequently uses tec