Research & Referencing
Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title webpage. Name website. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx or https://xxxxx
- If the webpage mentions the month and/or day in addition to a year, this is also mentioned in the reference; in the in-the text citation, only the year is mentioned.
- Many webpages without a year or date do have a copyright notice at the bottom of the page, after a © sign. This says nothing about the date of publication of the webpage, only about the year of copyright of the entire website. Therefore, in these cases, please write n.d. (= 'no date').
- When different webpages of a website are accessed, each page with its own URL gets its own entry.
- webpage on a news website
Allam, L. (2023, March 30). Human rights commissioner’s view of Indigenous voice ‘likely to mislead voters’, five predecessors say. The Guardian. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from
Parenthetical citation: (Allam, 2023)
Narrative citation: Allam (2023)
- blog post
Parenthetical citation: (Kuepper-Tetzel, 2023)
Narrative citation: Kuepper-Tetzel (2023)
Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Name database. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx or https://xxxxx
- If no author is mentioned, the reference starts with the title of the article.
- Databases may provide less or additional information. Try to be as complete as possible, when an article has a number this can be put in brackets after the title.
- Gale in Context: High School
Stock, J (Ed.). (2014). Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History (Vol. 4). Gale. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from
Parenthetical citation: (Stock, 2014)
Narrative citation: Stock (2014)
Social media
Author, A. (Year, Month Day). Content of the post up to the first 20 words [Description]. Site name. Retrieved Month day, year, from http://xxxx of https://xxxx
- Only link to original posts. Pinterest, for example, does not contain original material but links to existing files. Click on the image to find out the original URL.
- Copy the content of the message word-for-word, including any different spelling, hashtags and emojis, up to first 20 words.
- Most text files can display emojis. If this is not possible, please provide a description in square brackets. Full list of emoji names can be found on the Unicode Consortium's website (
- If a post includes images, videos, thumbnail links to outside sources, or content from another post (such as when sharing a link), indicate that in square brackets.
All Saints' College. (2023, April 3). The Junior School carpark and the College oval have been looking a little different lately, with the rapid progression of [Image attached]. Facebook. Retrieved April 4, 2023, from[0]=AZUaIZVTScz4Xc86TSCYY5rBl7Gf6DvaOAmaj44XSmTMzx0dh29kzYfCBPIrKv-eb1fSXwOMdWKQedTdl9gOyVcvRrU4w1IO3fkHwcfhnABSTB8JpHFd1pwiL2kwZjPk-DA39AHxbw_Q2PBXBDGbvAVgQ_RAjlYdX-VtsMTFsLhh6wETu_n9qqp7x1rnM09IzH92DtOEThPGCHw7n-C0UhTo&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
Parenthetical citation: (All Saints' College, 2023)
Narrative citation: All Saints' College (2023)
- Instagram/ Twitter/ TikTok:
- Present the name of the individual or group author in the same way you would do for any other reference. Then provide the Instagram handle (beginning with the @ sign) in square brackets, followed by a period.
All Saints' College [@allsaintscollegewa]. (2023, April 1). Last week, the Year 6 students ventured to The Common at lunchtime to join the Senior School students for some [Photograph]. Instagram. Retrieved April 4 2023, from
Parenthetical citation: (All Saints College, 2023)
Narrative citation: All Saints College (2023)