
Research & Referencing

A guide for students and staff on referencing, copyright, creative commons and more



Within this section, you will find how to construct and format your reference list. 

General Rules


All Saints' College has adopted the APA (6th ed.) method of referencing.



APA Style uses in-text citations, not footnotes or endnotes, to direct the reader to a source in the reference list. The only use for footnotes in APA Style is to provide additional content that supplements the text. Endnotes are never used in APA.

APA Style requires reference lists, not bibliographies. This means that all of the resources in the reference list have been cited in-text. (A bibliography is a list of all resources that have been cited as well as all resources that may have been consulted but not cited.)


Reference List Guide

  • The reference list should be placed at the end of the assignment on a new page

  • Sources should be varied and appear reliable (ie. primary sources, professional authors, news or feature articles, recent – depending on context, etc.)

  • Sources should be titled using sentence case (only the first word, the word after a colon, and proper nouns are capitalised)

  • Sources are arranged in purely alphabetical order in the reference list:

    • Alphabetise letter by letter

    • When alphabetising titles or group names as authors, go by the first significant word (disregard a, an, the, etc.)

    • Use words to express any number that begins a title (ie. 1914: The great war would appear under ‘N’ for nineteen)

Example of References list


Associated Students of the University of California. (n.d.). Motivation. Retrieved from Open Computing Facility:    


Alley Dog. (n.d.). Motivation. Retrieved from Alley Dog: https://www.alleydog.com/topics/motivation.php

Curruthers, B. (2018, Septemember). Thinking: the self and the world. New Scientist, pp. 25-28.

McLeod, S. (2017). Developmental Psychology. Retrieved from Simple Psychology: https://www.simplypsychology.org/developmental-psychology.html

Science Direct. (n.d.). Self-Efficacy. Retrieved from Science Direct: sciencedirect.com/topics

Smithers, J. (2018). The Role of Poetry in Self-Efficacy. Curriculum Studies, 124-154.

Walter, M. (2019). Social Research Methods. Docklands: Oxford University Press.